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Sandbox 1.0及Sandbox Network


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#1 CNR4806



  • 訓練兵
  • 39 文章數
  • 來自:香港
  • 隸屬於:自由戰士

發表於 2008 年 06 月 16 日 - 下午 06:21

相信還有玩沙盒的都知道Sandbox Network已經沒有運作兩天,而且Elxx也出外放假了吧XD


Sandbox Network
Sir. Sharkey | June 16, 2008
As you may of noticed… the sandbox network has been down for about 2 days. Elxx is away at Estonia and cannot restart it for us. He has not given us the link to restart the server with either. We don’t know what we can do, but bear with us. Only time can tell what is going to happen.

On the other side there are many problems with 1.0. Missleboy and I are confused and don’t know how to fix some of Elxx’s mistakes. We are dieing! After dynamic objects break… you can’t spawn objects. When a player disconnects, the server crashes. It’s very scary and we hope to roll out a beta on you guys soon. Sit tight.

A special thanks to SanY for our new video into!

Sir. Sharkey: (他和Missleboy是Sandbox 1.0的開發人員之一)
你可能已經留意到,Sandbox Network(就是處理netsave/netsavegroup的伺服器)沒有運作已經兩天了,Elxx遠在愛沙尼亞,不能為我們重新啟動伺服器,而且他沒有給我們重新啟動它的方法,我們不知道我們可以做甚麼,只有時間可以說明甚麼將會發生。

另一方面沙盒1.0有很多的問題,我個Missleboy都很迷惘,不知如何修復一些Elxx留下的錯誤。我們快死了!當動態物件(就是Explosive Barrels那類)被破壞後,你就不能再創造任何物件。當有人斷線時,伺服器就馬上當掉.....現在的1.0很可怕,但我們希望能盡快釋出試玩版給你們。
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出沒在Missleboy Community Server的造船匠!


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