這也是Battlefield Veterans的 Rank第一次派上用場XD
節錄自官方BlogEveryone with a Veteran rank of 1 or more you will have access to the M1 Rifle in Battlefield Bad Company 2.
Of course the Veteran rank and the M1 Rifle is open to everyone who owns another Battlefield game including BF1942, BF Vienam, BF2 (including Deluxe and Complete Collection), BF2:Modern Combat, BF2142 (including Deluxe), BF Heroes and Battlefield Bad Company by simply going to http://veteran.battlefield.com and linking them to your EA account. Booster packs and expansions don’t add to your Veteran rank but do look good when they are lit up on the Veteran page.
藉由Veteran Rank(老兵階級),M1步槍將會開放給所有擁有其他戰地風雲遊戲的玩家,包括1942,越南,現代戰爭,2142,英雄與戰地風雲:惡名昭彰.
說真的XD 還蠻有成就感的..(都用錢換來的囉..)
本篇文章已被 kn03ee 於 2010 年 02 月 25 日 - 下午 06:25 編輯過