Hello, 各位PR的玩家們,對於為什麼武裝行動的MOD會發在這個版裡可能會有些許疑問,
但注意它不叫「PR」了,而叫「Tactical Battlefield」,
原因是因為PRA2的團隊主導和主要人員Dr eyeball和 Wormeaten[RGG],離開了Project Reality, 獨立出來,而原計劃也改名而成為了TacBF, 但PRer不用擔心,PR出來的東西不會變 所有在A2上的特色都有保留,如Kit (兵種裝備),Cargo(補給箱),壓制特效,FOB, 小隊重生點,和最獨特的PR選單(和醫療)。都在!!!
還在等什麼,SOSA' JACK ' Longtree ' GUNS 使命召喚著你們,還有各位還在玩PR的戰友們,讓我們死駛向新的戰場吧!!!!!
更更令人振奮的是以下來自BI Dev blog的小訪問
REPORT IN! MAREK SPANEL ? CEO | Developer's Blog | Arma 3 | Official Website
That?s a lot to look forward to! How about the Arma 2 content library? Will there be some form of backwards compatibility?
Originally, we had an idea that was similar to Take On Rearmed. Unfortunately, upgrading the Arma 2 massive content library to Arma 3 standards is beyond what we can do in reasonable time. So instead, what we are going to do will be similar to Arma 1: we are going to release the entire Arma 2 library to the community and allow them create any derivative work within Arma 3. More details will be announced very soon.
Kju的All in Arma 也在望了(since CAA1 project)
Tactical Battlefield報名處(一)
Tactical Battlefield體檢處(二)