

註冊日期: 2005-04-18
離線 最後上線: 2006-11-10 下午 08:43


香港 =|UH|= POE2 伺服器已上線, 來吧!

2006 年 08 月 28 日 - 下午 01:48

本隊已經開設 POE2 伺服器, 歡迎各界中港台BF2友好進場參戰!

地區: 香港
人數上限: 64


IF U love DCF, why not try DCR v.0.82 Beta?

2005 年 04 月 18 日 - 下午 02:35

I'm jamcat from HK DC Clan =|UH|= :-D

Just like to introduce DC Realism Mods (DCR). Recently most update version is v.0.85 Beta......but so unreliable, unstable & lost most interesting maps...
So for best choice, I recommend to play DCR v.0.82 beta first...

As name of Realism, DCR added tons of Realistic factors & weapons to DCF so made the game more interesting. However lack of public promotion (from DCR team) so seems not as well know as DCF (or DC).

The following link is their official site. Please try to take a look & U'll find many unbelievale matters never found in DC/DCF.

This is their forum, try to check their mots update news:

If more Asian DCR servers establish sure every Chinese players can enjoy it much more.....lets start your first step in DCR world. :drink: