註冊日期: 2006-04-06離線 最後上線: 2014-01-08 下午 10:03

AIR.... → bmin0913
這是3 年前的事= = 誰還要去申訴啊?
他這次是鎖cd-key 還是玩家??
就因為那場殺他多了一點 他就ban我?? 還永久?? 還把3年前的舊帳翻出來 = =??
我沒冒犯你的意思 只是覺得有點太誇張
你可以給我直接跟他溝通的管道嗎?? 我不想透過論壇 那好麻煩
謝謝你喔 勞煩了
這是3 年前的事= = 誰還要去申訴啊?
他這次是鎖cd-key 還是玩家??
就因為那場殺他多了一點 他就ban我?? 還永久?? 還把3年前的舊帳翻出來 = =??
我沒冒犯你的意思 只是覺得有點太誇張
你可以給我直接跟他溝通的管道嗎?? 我不想透過論壇 那好麻煩
謝謝你喔 勞煩了

bmin0913 → AIR....
Appeal the Ban with PB Bans and we will clear once it's cleared with them.

AIR.... → bmin0913
但她那句 there r too many player names 是什麼意思??
說真的 我覺得這次變成主觀判定了 他也沒有直接證據ban我啊 我裝甲載具本來就很強 但是你會發現我要是沒搶到裝甲 我就甚麼都不是 頂多發發死人財 我也不太飛直升機的 更別說是戰機 我根本就不會飛
但她那句 there r too many player names 是什麼意思??
說真的 我覺得這次變成主觀判定了 他也沒有直接證據ban我啊 我裝甲載具本來就很強 但是你會發現我要是沒搶到裝甲 我就甚麼都不是 頂多發發死人財 我也不太飛直升機的 更別說是戰機 我根本就不會飛

AIR.... → bmin0913
the reason of being banned in 2008 was because my brother was using some graphic software for his school work in university and i didn't know it. the software was running in background, so that's why i got banned. i did try to explain to PB but they didn't reply me back. if i am a cheater, i won't have so low K/D rate.

AIR.... → bmin0913
but there are many players name??? 我在加拿大讀書跟這甚麼關西??上下文??
explain why i got banned in 2008??
說真的我覺得這次真的是因為我殺牠太多次了 他不太爽(我知道我那場 operation road rage 殺了他8次 然後又得第一) 他開始懷疑我是外掛了 你幫我轉告她 if you have any software or admin versions which you may see my screen when i am playing, just do it. if you need an permition of entry to my screen please tell me i will be glad to show you how i play this game
explain why i got banned in 2008??
說真的我覺得這次真的是因為我殺牠太多次了 他不太爽(我知道我那場 operation road rage 殺了他8次 然後又得第一) 他開始懷疑我是外掛了 你幫我轉告她 if you have any software or admin versions which you may see my screen when i am playing, just do it. if you need an permition of entry to my screen please tell me i will be glad to show you how i play this game

bmin0913 → AIR....
He needs to explain why he was banned in Taiwan server in 2008 from PBBans. I understand he studied in Canada. But there are many player names. Please ask him to explain.
He needs to explain why he was banned in Taiwan server in 2008 from PBBans. I understand he studied in Canada. But there are many player names. Please ask him to explain.